The Joy Coach (@unathejoycoach)

supporting women struggling with life transitions, through compassionate coaching.

“Asking for help isn’t giving up,” said the horse. “It’s refusing to give up.” The Boy, the Mole and the Fox.

I compassionately coach women to help them realise their potential. Often they only see what they are at a moment in time; they cannot see how truly incredible they can be. As your coach, I will draw this out of you and help you recognise your hidden potential and gems. I will enable you to see all you can be. I will support you to turn the glass ceiling you’ve crashed into time and time again into the floor on which you stand.

Strongly influenced by the work of Dr Mindy Pelz (author of Fast Like a Girl and The Menopause Reset), I can support you to reflect on how your (and / or that of the ladies in your life) menstrual cycle or changing hormones during perimenopause impacts your wellbeing and lifestyle, and vice versa.

Una, The Joy Coach, CONNECTING with, CHAMPIONING and CHALLENGING you to find your best you, your JOY! I will co-create with you to help you formulate and achieve your goals: seek the joy, find the joy, feel the joy, feed the joy.

Coaching Costs:

First connection call (30 minutes) is free.

£50 per 1 hour session; 8 sessions (recommended) for £320.

I offer a 50% discount to anyone in receipt of tax credits.

VIP full day session over 5 hours (+ breaks and follow up review session) - £200

Coaching and Naming Ceremony Package (3 sessions plus Celebrant at bespoke Naming Ceremony) from £390 (follow up sessions charged at £30 per session), (travel over 40 miles holds an additional charge).

Coaching and Wedding Ceremony Package (3 life coaching sessions plus your Joy Celebrant at personally crafted Wedding Ceremony) from £670 for 2024 and £720 for 2025 (follow up sessions charged at £30 per session). (travel over 40 miles holds an additional charge)

Hi there! I’m Una, your Joy Coach. Thankyou for visiting my page – it is vital that you choose the right coach for you and I hope I am the person you wish to work with! I’m a bountiful, gregarious character who loves to champion others to help them to become their best selves.  I aim to let my light shine so bright that other people can find their way out of darkness. I specialise in supporting women who are going through major transitions in their lives:

  • Do you feel like you’re going through some mid-life wobbles?

  • Are you experiencing difficulties connected with peri-menopause?

  • Are you going through matrescence and struggling with the emotions surrounding having a baby, how your relationships are affected, or what career or personal path you are on following now that you have become a mother?

  • Have your friendships or relationships changed, for better or for worse?

  • Do you feel a little lost, or as if you aren’t sure of your identity?

  • Are you going through the motions of day to day life but not feeling any real joy?

  • Are you in a situation where you feel stuck or trapped?

  • Do you feel like you’re dancing to someone else’s tune?

If you have answered yes to any or all of the above, then get in touch for a free Connection Call to see if you feel I can help you.

My Background and Training

Having led our school in becoming Trauma Informed and Practicing as Special Needs Coordinator and Mental Health Lead, I experienced a breakdown at the age of 40 while planning my longed for wedding to the love of my life. My job was extremely taxing on my emotions and I was addicted to being busy. Burnout gave me no choice but to stop. Through loving and supportive relationships, diet, exercise, meditation, music, reading, yoga, journaling, investing time in the things I love, green therapy, coaching, counselling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, I am recovering and eager to help other women to carve out a clearer path that cultivates true joy for them, as a qualified Life Coach, accredited by the International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring (IAPC&M).

What I most loved about my job was connecting with and helping colleagues, parents and children through difficult times. I supported vulnerable children through therapeutic play interventions, therapeutic talking sessions, Lego Therapy and Drawing and Talking Therapy. I was the go to person for people who needed to have their experiences and feelings heard, heard. I advocated for children with Special Educational Needs and supported their parents in understanding their needs and statutory rights. I have extensive training and experience in neurodevelopmental conditions and adverse childhood experiences and I am equipped to support others affected by these areas. I am from a neurodivergent family, so know first hand the fear, questions and loneliness that can come with the process of diagnostic assessments and seeking professional and familial support.

Prior to teaching I was a Business Relationship Manager at a Bank and a Recruitment Consultant so I’ve been around the block a bit. Connecting with others and leaving them with a little bit of spark to fulfil their purpose is what I do well.

Why work with me?

If you choose to work with me, I will listen to you, and take in all of you that you want to present. I will help you with your goals, from supporting you in identifying them, breaking them down into how to go about achieving them and in holding you accountable for taking the steps to getting them to be your reality. I will hold your hand as you work towards your goals, building you up to be YOUR BEST YOU, and cultivating true joy that is meaningful for you. I will help you to find what lights you up. I will help you connect to your values and motivate you to reach for your goal.

I pride myself in being able to understand the other person. I can meet people where they are at whether they are under high stress at work or lacking inspiration on the direction they wish to take in life. I am adaptive and intuitive to the needs and personalities of other people. I am able to slipstream into the emotions of others and provide a safe space for them to be them and consider what they need to do to discover their best self, to experience the fullness of life.

The Joy Reset

The Joy Reset